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Nick Dahill grew up in a small suburb in Long Island, New York and studied Video Game art at Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota Florida. Dahill has been fascinated by cartooning and drawing since a young age and strives to create a fictional universe where his many stories and characters can exist. 

"At the core of my artistic practice is drawing. It is my first language and the foundation that all my other artistic endeavors are built upon. The ability to draw allows me to explore ideas and develop my own narrative universe. My artistic career has been a constant practice of drawing and illustration with the goal of building my own fictional world in order to tell stories and spread messages. Within this constant practice emerges major projects like animations or short graphic novels that serve to solidify my narrative world and build its unique lore. I am inspired by the great literary world builders like Tolkien and Baum as well as visual world builders such as Walt Disney, Dr. Suess, and Jim Henson."

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